Pathways-supported website wins Website Excellence Award

Pathways Program
4 min readJul 25, 2023


by Pathways — Con Castillo

Education Minister Mohagher Iqbal and Pathways Team Leader Caroline Vandenabeele proudly display the Bangsamoro Education Management Information System (BEMIS) platform during the MBHTE Website, BEMIS, and ISCL launch last 23 May.

The recently launched Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education (MBHTE) website won the Government Website Excellence Award during the Bangsamoro Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Summit and ICT Research and Innovation Exhibit held from 26 to 27 June 2023 in Cotabato City. The Bangsamoro ICT Office (BICTO) recognised the MBHTE website for excellence in government engagement and service delivery through strategic communications.

A channel for strategic communications and good governance

This recognition solidified the MBHTE website’s role as a powerful channel for strategic communications and promoting good governance. The MBHTE website, designed to cater to the needs of students, teachers, parents, and other education stakeholders, has garnered acclaim for its user-friendly interface, comprehensive content, and innovative features. Its recognition at the Bangsamoro ICT Summit is a testament to its quality and impact.

As a channel for strategic communications, the MBHTE website is pivotal in disseminating timely and accurate information to the public. It is a central hub for news updates, announcements, and policy initiatives related to the Bangsamoro region’s basic, higher, and technical education. The website’s direct and transparent mode of communication enhances the public’s access to vital information, ensuring that stakeholders are well-informed about the Ministry’s activities, initiatives, and reforms.

Moreover, the website serves as an avenue for promoting good governance practices within the Ministry. Providing a platform for accountability and transparency enables stakeholders to have a closer look at the Ministry’s performance, policies, and services.

The website boasts various user-friendly features, including an online resource centre and a feedback mechanism to encourage engagement and dialogue between the Ministry and its constituents. Through these features, the website facilitates collaboration, and exchange of ideas, empowering the education community and ensuring their voices are heard.

Photo by MBHTE ICD

A product of partnership through the Pathways program

The MBHTE website was developed with technical support from the Australian Government through the Education Pathways to Peace in Mindanao (Pathways) program.

Commenting on the website’s success during the summit, Ustadz Haron Salah, the MBHTE ICT Section Head, thanked Australia and Pathways. “Through the help of the Australian Government, there is indeed a noticeable change at MBHTE — from manual to digital, the skills and knowledge, and the assistance has been very valuable. We hope to continue this partnership through the Pathways program. Their support enables us to contribute more effectively to education reform in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.”

Similarly, Mobarak Pandi, OIC/Chief of the Information and Communications Division (ICD), emphasised the importance of the website in advancing the Ministry’s goals. “The MBHTE website serves as a platform to reach a wider audience, transcending geographical constraints considering the unique context and location of MBHTE’s stakeholders in the BARMM. It allows for the dissemination of educational materials, resources, and information to students, parents, and educators with ease. We, the ICD, hope that the website will serve as a central hub for communication and collaboration between schools, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders,” he said.

The MBHTE Website was launched on 23 May in Cotabato City, alongside two (2) other significant projects supported by the Australian Government: The Bangsamoro Education Management Information System (BEMIS) and the Inclusive and Supportive Center of Learning (ISCL) hub in Timanan Elementary School, South Upi, Maguindanao.

As the Ministry’s comprehensive education database, BEMIS hosts education data that will support planning, budgeting, and policy analysis and promote a culture of transparency and accountability for the BARMM’s education system. Meanwhile, the ISCL is designed as an innovation hub for inclusive practice, helping ensure that every learner within its reach accesses quality education, every teacher is supported and trained to practice inclusive education, and every community accesses the right support services through an effective referral system.

Support to stakeholder engagement in the MBHTE

With the successful launch of the MBHTE website and its recognition during the ICT Summit, the Ministry has demonstrated its commitment to digital transformation and enhanced communication, transparency, and good governance in the education sector of the Bangsamoro region.

In addition to the website, Pathways supports the MBHTE ICD in stakeholder engagement through content development implementation of public awareness campaigns to highlight the importance of education and raise awareness about educational initiatives and programs in BARMM.

For the website launch, Pathways assisted the MBHTE in creating a one-week social media campaign to drum up interest and support for the event. The online campaign featured short information on the website, BEMIS, and ISCL that was posted on the official Facebook page of the MBHTE. Between 16 to 22 May, the campaign contributed to MBHTE’s reach and online engagement, resulting in a total of 75,821 accounts reached, 6,583 post engagements, 31,289 visits, and 316 additional page likes. Meanwhile, the news article the MBHTE posted after the launch generated 19,830 accounts reached, and 2,296 post engagements.

By harnessing the potential of strategic communications tools and providing a transparent channel for public engagement, the Australian Government, through Pathways, will continue to help the Ministry set a benchmark for other government entities in BARMM and inspire them to embrace innovative approaches to communication, stakeholder engagement, and governance.



Pathways Program
Pathways Program

Written by Pathways Program

Education Pathways to Peace in Mindanao is a Philippines-Australia partnership supporting quality and inclusive K-3 education for all children in the Bangsamoro

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